
Kimberly J. Hale, Faculty Success Coach

Are you a new-ish faculty member who is still trying to figure out how to manage all. The. Things? Sign up for weekly newsletters that provide helpful tips and resources.

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From Newbie to Confident Pro: My Faculty Journey (And How I Can Help Yours)

Hey there, fellow faculty! Remember your first day as a new professor? That mix of excitement and utter bewilderment? Well, let me take you back to mine... Picture this: There I was, sitting at my new desk, surrounded by a stack of textbooks and my course schedule. My instructions? "Teach your classes, do service and scholarship." That's it. No task list, no guidance on time management. Just me, wondering what on earth I was supposed to do next. Sound familiar? If you're nodding along, you're...

Hey fellow faculty, I love a good book, any time of year. Every summer one of my favorite bloggers, Modern Mrs. Darcy, puts out a summer reading guide. It's filled with all sorts of bookish delights. I thought I'd do my own take on her summer reading guide but focused on good reads for faculty. Here are my top recommendations for summer reads to support the faculty life. Radical Candor The Butterfly Cage Grading for Growth Specifications Grading Understanding by Design Learning that Matters...

Hello Reader, Just dropping in to remind you about the Intentional Summer Planning Workshop. The best way to accomplish what you want over the summer is to plan for it. Join me tomorrow, Monday, May 13 to Identify what's important. Plan an Intentional Summer Determine how you'll implement the plan. Learn strategies to Evaluate the implementation based on regular feedback loops. We'll plan your summer on the call. You'll get the reply so you can re-watch anytime you're making longer-term...

Howdy faculty friends, By the time you're reading this email, I'll be deep in grading the last final of the semester! 🙌 I'm super excited about the work and play that I've got lined up for this summer. Did you see that? I don't leave play or work to my summer whims. I plan it out. I find that when I'm intentional with my summer plans I get my most important work done without compromising my rest and fun. I'm offer 3 ways to support you with your summer plans! Read this email for my quick take...

Publishing is the currency of academia. I really want to help you get your writing published so you can reach your career goals! Did you know I have several ways I can help you get published? I know you know that I offer 1-1 coaching services to help you create plans and overcome roadblocks to writing. But did you know that I also offer direct support for your writing? I offer editing services for academic articles, book chapters, and tenure/promotion applications! What level of support do...

Hey Reader! What’s your number one priority this week? Seriously! I would love to know. It can be related to the faculty life or in your personal life. In my faculty life my priority is to complete a draft of the Letter of Intent for the grant proposal. My biz priority is to get to know the people I email, so this is my way of doing that. Really! Reply and let me know what your #1 priority is for this week. I'll cheer you on toward hitting your target 🎯 this week! I hope to talk to you soon....

Hi Reader! Several of my coaching clients come to me for help with academic writing and publishing. They need to publish to get tenure. They don’t feel like they’re good writers. And that feeling can keep them (and you?) stuck, even when they have ideas they want to share! We coach around mindset, taking action even when it feels hard, and small incremental steps. But here’s what I want everyone to know: 👉 You don’t have to like writing to publish academic papers. 👉 You don’t have to be “good...

👋 I've finished up my strategic planning retreat and I'm back to daily life of a juggling faculty member. On all of my retreats I look back at my life vision, my academic mission statement, and my goals and assess if I'm on the right track. My Mission My academic mission is to improve access and equity for deaf people through refining ASL and Interpreter education in the United States. I do this primarily through my research of working and learning in higher education. When I reviewed that...

Hi Reader, Did you know I am camping this week? It’s got nothing to do with faculty success and everything to do with faculty success. I take myself on a little strategic planning retreat a couple times per year. That's why I'm camping at the lake this week. It’s part of how I keep myself on track, and I wanted to share it with you today. Speaking of things you didn’t know…I was thinking about all the things I don’t know about building a research lab. So I spent some time in some Facebook...

Howdy fellow faculty! Sooo….On Saturday, March 9th I’m dropping my newest training: Say No without Ruining Your Faculty Career. If you join before the training goes live, you’ll get it at 1/2 price, and you get the opportunity to ask questions in advance! So, go check out Say No now! Hit reply if you have any questions! Keep Exploring!Kimberly J. Hale, Faculty Success