Quarterly Priorities πŸ‘€


I've finished up my strategic planning retreat and I'm back to daily life of a juggling faculty member.
On all of my retreats I look back at my life vision, my academic mission statement, and my goals and assess if I'm on the right track.

My Mission

My academic mission is to improve access and equity for deaf people through refining ASL and Interpreter education in the United States. I do this primarily through my research of working and learning in higher education.

When I reviewed that mission last week I realized that a project I'd put on my to-do list didn't align with my academic mission and the difference I want to make through my career and work. So, I scratched it off the list. It's not worth my time, energy or attention.

My Mission led to my Coaching Work

I remember what it was like to be a new faculty member with a Master's degree and a dream. Most of the resources designed for new faculty assumed the person had a doctorate in hand from which to launch their academic publishing career.

I didn't have that, and neither do many of my colleagues. Interpreting programs need stability and sustainability and one way I aim to support programs is by supporting their faculty to earn reappointment, tenure, and promotion...so our focus can be on graduating the best interpreters we can.

(I'm here for my other faculty followers as well. It's just the biggest piece of my heart is in my roots.)

This Quarter's Focus

I created a list of key work that I want to focus on for the next 3 months. Here's the list:

  1. Update my bios everywhere
  2. Secure Funding for my research (1 internal, 1 external)
  3. Submit 1 article, 1 presentation proposal, + continue textbook work
  4. Publish newsletter and YouTube weekly
  5. Build the foundation for the free Symposium (in Aug) for early career ASL & Interpreter Educators
  6. Create 1 source of truth for all of my products & services in obsidian.


Keep Exploring!
Kimberly J. Hale, Faculty Success Coach
​PS: Hit reply and tell me how you're feeling about the next 2 months... ​
😁 I'm here for it! YAY....
😩 Too much to do; too little time
πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ I just take it day by day
?Something else





Kimberly J. Hale, Faculty Success Coach

Are you a new-ish faculty member who is still trying to figure out how to manage all. The. Things? Sign up for weekly newsletters that provide helpful tips and resources.

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